Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blast From the Past

Talk about a blast from the past! I was so excited to find this forgotten blog of mine. This was a place that I would put funny things that the kids said or fun events that we did as a family. Reading through all the posts I am so glad I have these memories on paper, but at the same time it makes me really regret I stopped posting regularly. 

Our family has changed so much since my last post. We have added sweet Harley Grace to our family. She is the SWEETEST little girl in the world ( I may be a little biased).

Our boys have also grown up so much!! Brett is 13 and Austin is about to be 10!

Time sure is flying and the saying that "The days are long but the years are short" is so true!

I love these kiddos so much!!!!

My hubby retired from the Navy after 20 years of service last year. We made our final move to Alabama and are excited to finally put roots down. When you are a military family you think of your life in 2-3 increments. Whether you buy or rent a house everything is done with the intention of being temporary because you know a move is coming. Now we don't have to think like that and it is WONDERFUL!! 


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

It has been a LONG LONG time since I updated this blog. I am hoping to keep this thing updated more because I absolutely love looking back at my old blog posts. Reading them brings back sooooo many memories. So I am hoping to keep this blog going to serve as a sort of memory box for John and I to look back on as time goes on.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Brett's Discovery

So the other day Brett had just gotten home from school and was putting his back pack away, getting ready to relax on the couch for a bit. I was going about my business, heading into the dining room, when Brett, out of no where, says I found out where my balls are today. Now that will make anyone stop dead in their tracks. Of course I immediately walked back over to my dear 6 year old son and asked...."What did you say?" The rest of the convo went like this....

Brett - " I said I found out where my balls are today

Me - Oh really, where are they

Brett - (grabbing his area) they are right here, in a pouch

Me - (fighting laughter) oh yeah? a pouch huh.

Brett - Yup and it would hurt if you hit them.

Me - Yes, son, yes it would.... But how did you find out about all this?

Brett - my classmate told me

Me - But he only told you right? he didn't physically touch them to show you where they were did he?

Brett - (grabbing area again) Oh no I'm the only one that touched my balls

Me - (shaking my head as I walk away) Ok son good deal!

Fast forward to later that night. In the shuffle of the day i forgot to mention to John about the ball discovery... but he found out about it on his own. Austin had just went to bed and I was still upstairs, when I heard John ask Brett do you think that is appropriate? My eyes go wide because I know it probably has something to do with the day's findings. I meet John as he is coming up the stairs. LOL I ask John what happened... and ask if it had anything to do with balls. He says yes it did! Then proceeds to tell me that he hears brett telling his friend.. I'm touching my balls Im touching my balls! John looks over, sure enough Brett has his hands down his pants.  I then of course explained what happened earlier, and John and I spent 20 minutes laughing quietly upstairs in our room.  And that is the story of Brett's Discovery.

Monday, October 22, 2012

So today I happened to remember .. Oh yes, I have a blog I used to post in regularly. Maybe I should check on that. Funny that it has been exactly 1 year since I Made a post. The main thing that I liked as I was going through my past posts was all the memories it brought back. Years down the road I will be so glad I kept up with different things that Brett or Austin say. Sometimes it feels as if daily they come up with something funny or something that I didn't realize they knew.So in a way this is a family journal keeping track of all the memories that happen in this family. It is never a dull moment around here. Today we ordered the boys Halloween costumes. They are gonna be Mario and Luigi. Can't wait to see that. I am sure it will be quite hilarious. Brett originally wanted to be Sonic the Hedgehog, But mommy may have waited till the week before halloween to shop for costumes, and they may have been out of stock.... EVERYWHERE!!!!! I just didn't think that sonic the hedgehog was still that popular. Guess I was wrong there. Thankfully once Brett saw the Mario costume online he was perfectly happy to be that this year. Pictures to come once the costumes arrive. Today's Austinism: This morning the boys piled in bed with us and as we were all laying there, Austin pointed to John's chest and said " Daddy's Boobs?" We about rolled off the bed we were laughing so hard. Then later in the morning I was laying on the couch and Austin layed on top of me with his back up against me to watch TV. As he was getting comfy he says " AHHHH mommy boobs" Seriously funny stuff right there. The things children notice. LOL This week should be a busy one. Gotta get back in the swing of things with working out and get cracking on my studies for the personal trainer test. Took some time off of both while Deb was here visiting:) She is missed here and it is going to be wierd not having her here this week. Got used to having her with me and us laughing non stop and the dumbest stuff. HAHA! Goodtimes! On that note I suppose I should call it a night. Will try to keep up with this blog better. Until next time :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's a Puke and Poop Party!!!

haha!! that is what the past 3 days(wow it has only been three days.. it seems like an ETERNITY) have felt like. Ever since Wednesday morning Austin has been puking and other stuff off and on. John and I have cleaned up more bodily fluids than we ever cared to. I finally decided that he wasn't getting better and took him in to walk-in acute care this morning. WOW!!!! I waited there for over 2 hours to be seen and then the doc tells me it is most likely a virus. But just to be on the safe side he sends me home with a vial that I have to fill with my son's poop to make sure it is not a parasite. LOVELY! He also told me to keep him on the BRAT diet. He then told me that this could last 1-3 WEEKS!!!! Yep you read right WEEKS!!!!! So then I start stressing cause I am thinking about poor Austin going through this for that long and also everything that is coming up in the next couple weeks. Hopefully we won't all come down with it. There is so much coming up with Brett's birthday, the Navy ball, and Deb coming into town. So stupid virus we dont have time for you GO AWAY!!!! OH and John's tummy started cramping today. LOVELY!!! So please pray that this virus will just quietly exit its way out of our lives! I AM SOOOOOO DONE!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Toyroom update

Ok I realized I never put up my finished toy room pic. So here is a Before pic...

And an After pic:

I moved the rug that was in Brett's room down to the playroom to give the boys something to sit on while playing. I am loving the fact that MOST of their toys are downstairs in one area and are somewhat organized. Now keeping it that way will be the difficult part.

Happy Birthday John!!!

Yesterday was JOhn's 31st birthday. We were able to spend the day together. just the two of us thanks to our great friends here. The day started out with breakfast at one of our favorite places on the island, Cinnamons. You can't go wrong with red velvet pancakes.. they are out of this world amazing!!!! John ordered the tall stack of buttermilk pancakes. They were HUGE!!!!! Each pancake was probably at least an inch thick and there were four of them!!! See pick below. We then headed to Maunawili Falls to do some hiking. Keep in mind that we were thinking this hike would take like 45 min to get to the top and about 30 to get back down. WRONG!!!!! It took like 2 hours to get to the top. There was sooooooo much mud and roots the whole way.. and the steps killed!!! It was so much fun though and so pretty. I so enjoyed doing that with my hubby. We will definately be hiking more together. The falls were really pretty but I think the best part was the hike itself. We then came home... saw our baby boys for a bit and then left to go to Yardhouse to eat. That place is so yummy!! We ended the night with watching Warrior. Awesome movie! I cried! All in all I think my hubby had a good birthday! Here are some pics of our day!